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Title: TOC(Theory of Constraints) 限制/制約/約束/瓶頸/德奧思供應鏈管理顧問 supply chain management consultant in Hon
Description: TOC (Theory of Constraints) [限制/制約/約束/瓶頸]德奧思供應鏈管理顧問 supply chain management consultant in Hong Kong, China
Keywords:toc, constraint, constraints, theory of constraints, consulting, consultancy, consultants, consultant, supply chain management, constraint management, six sigma, 6 sigma, lean, lean management, lean production, lean manufacturing, SCM, supply chain, ccpm, critical chain project management, apics, distribution, tp, thinking process, business strategy,
... (View More)
solution for profits, dbr, sdbr, simplified drum buffer rope, drum buffer rope, buffer management, synchronized supply chain replenishment, toc demand pull, toc strategy and tactic tree, implementation, training, education, 顧問, 顧問公司, 管理顧問, 六西瑪, 六西格瑪, 物流顧問, 管理培訓, 顧問服務, 企業顧問, 德奧思, 制约, 限制, 约束(View Less)