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Website results for "augmentin"

 18 websites found

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#1,026,793 (+83%) -
Title: Agopuntura - Omega 3 - Omeopatia - Intolleranze Alimentari - Dieta - Fertilit�
Description: Not available
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#597,535 (+4%) -
Title: Lymphedema People - Created for people with lymphedema, by people with lymphedema
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#1,221,296 (+54%) -
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#0 (0%) -
Title: Augmentin
Description: Information on Augmentin for consumers and professionals including usage guidelines, clinical pharmacology of Augmentin, side effects, warnings and precautions. Advice how to buy Augmentin online: best prices, online pharmacies.

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Description: Penicillin (PCN or pen) is several antibiotics produced from Penicillium fungi. They are Beta-lactam antibiotics found in the treating bacterial infections due to susceptible, gram-positive usually, organisms. The word “penicillin” is often found in