Title: Home | Daily Bonik Barta ( বণিক বার্তা ) | Leading Bangla Business Daily Newspaper |
Description: The Daily Bonik Barta is a Bangla newspaper of Bangladesh. The newspaper is publishing from Dhaka. The name of the editor of the newspaper is Dewan Hanif Mahmud. In 2018, the circulation of the newspaper was 134,000.
Keywords:bangladesh newspaper, online paper, bangladeshi newspaper, bangla news paper, bangladesh newspapers, newspaper, all bangla news paper, bd news paper, news paper, bangladesh news paper, daily, daily news paper, bangladeshi news paper, bangla paper, all bangla newspaper, bangladesh news, daily newspaper, অনলাইন, পত্রিকা, বাংলাদেশ, আজকের পত্রিকা, আন্তর্জাতিক, অর্থনীতি, খেলা, বিনোদন,
... (View More)
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