Title: Mountain Riders - Développement durable en montagne
Description: Mountain Riders. Respect de l'environnement en montagne, proposition d'alternatives de développement durable pour les stations de montagne, guide vert des stations de montagne, ramassage des déchets sur les pistes.
Title: The Ecovillage at Currumbin : Green living, by the beach, in the city.
Description: The Ecovillage at Currumbin : Green living, by the beach, in the city. Australia's most awarded development. Features sustainable architecture and established facilities.
Title: AHD: Affordable Housing Developers, Maryland, Virginia and Washington, DC
Description: AHD: Affordable Housing Developers, Maryland, Virginia and Washington, DC. Affordable housing development since 1972. Over 150 projects including residential cohousing communities, cooperatives, multi-family, rehab, senior/elderly, commercial, urban plan
Description: Earthaven Ecovilage, an intentional community near Asheville NC, learning and living sustainable culture through natural building, organic farming, and more
Title: EcoNomads - In Quest of a New Tribal Culture
Description: Home(less)page of Erika, OfeK and Momo - We are an eco-nomadic family (community?) eco-traveling and experiencing eco-villages, eco-communes, eco-projects, a little sight-seeing and great raw/vegan/organic food! Our website includes our complete travelog