Title: Antibodies, Proteins, Kits and Reagents for Life Science | Abcam
Description: Abcam, the leading supplier of protein research tools to life scientists. Discover more from a range of 118,000 antibodies, kits, proteins and other reagents
Title: Santa Cruz Biotechnology, Inc. Antibodies - World Leader in Antibody and siRNA Products
Description: Santa Cruz Biotechnology is the leading supplier of antibodies, antibody support products, gene silencers, biochemicals, buffers, lab reagents and labware
Title: Savings for Antibodies, Kits, Reagents, Proteins, Peptides | Absave
Description: Find low prices on over 1million Research Antibodies, ELISA Kits, Proteins, Peptides, Reagents, Assay Kits, Slides, Lysates and much more.