Title: The Un-Official Schleichers ASW 15 (B) Glider Information Portal
Description: The Un-Official Schleichers ASW 15 (B) Glider Information Portal
Keywords:ASW, asw, ASW 15B, ASW-15B, ASW-15, ASW15, asw15, schleicher, alexander, polar, Airworthiness Directives, waibel, gerhard, design, lift, drag, performance, information, ASK, poppenhausen, community, gliding, soaring, soar, sailplane,
... (View More)
picture, pictures, image, images, gliderpilot, pilot, glider, glide, planes, plane, airplane, aviation, zweefvliegen, zweefvliegtuigen, zweefvlieger, Segelflug, Segelfliegen, vol a voile, Johan van Ravenzwaaij, ravenzwaaij, Ravenzwaaij, johan, Johan, Edam, edam, Holland, holland, Netherlands, netherlands, owner, manual, GeZC, gezc, Gelderse, gelderse, club(View Less)