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Title: Schrödinger's Dog - Physics feed for your imagination
Description: Topics from modern physics for general public consumption: from black holes, to superconductivity, from dark energy, to the fractional quantum hall effect, from general relativity and quantum mechanics, to string theory...
Keywords:modern, physics, general, black hole, superconductivity, dark energy, dark matter, quantum hall, general relativity, quantum mechanics, string theory, relativity, gravity, quantum, nebula, astrophysics, fluid, dynamics, Newton, Einstein, quotes, Bohr, Heisenberg, Feynman, mechanics,
... (View More)
electromagnetism, force, weak force, nuclear, strong force, particles, particle physics, accelerators, higgs, boson, fermion, symmetry, noether, superfluidity, brane, D-brane, cosmology, inflation, cosmic microwave background, cmb, higher dimensions, compactification, manifold, waves, gravitational waves(View Less)