Title: Sinister Forces A Grimoire of American Political Witchcraft
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Keywords:levenda, sinister forces, nazis, nazi occultism, operation paperclip, jack parsons, l ron hubbard, scientology, thelema, Aleister Crowley, Mormons, Joseph Smith Jr, Freemasons, Salem witch trials, ashland kentucky, charles manson, ashland massacre, hans habe, jfk, rfk, assassinations, david ferrie, jack martin, wandering bishops, walter propheta,
... (View More)
american orthodox catholic church, aldous huxley, andrija puharich, the nine, arthur young, ruth paine, ruth forbes paine, michael paine, guy banister, fred crisman, kenneth arnold, colonia dignidad, MK-ULTRA, operation bluebird, operation artichoke, mind control, psychological warfare, general lansdale, sidney gottlieb, richard nixon, watergate, e howard hunt, LSD, conspiracy, maurice maeterlinck(View Less)