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Title: KOCHAR AGRO'S INDUSTRIES::: Axle Beams, Link Assembley, Support & other tractor parts, parts of carraro, copmonents forcommerci
Description: KOCHAR AGRO'S INDUSTRIRS PVT LTD IS AN ISO 9001;2000 registered firm engaged in manufacturing Sheet Metal Components and Assemblys & Fabricated Components for CARS,LCV'S,TRACTORS AND CRANES and supplying to OE manufactures
Keywords:Axel beams, link assembley, support & other tractor parts, parts of carraro, copmonents forcommercial vhicles, Suface Plate Height5, Gauge DigitalVernier2, Calipers Hardness2, TesterSlip Gauge Box2, Ultra Sonic1, FlawDetecter from E & EC1, PaintCoatGaugeTester1, Deepal Digital1, Elecometer Hatch1, TesterHeight Gauges6, Vernier Calipers8 .