Title: The Pherobase: Database of pheromones and semiochemicals |
Description: Chemical Ecology, Pheromones, Pheromone, Moth, Moths, Insect, Sex, Attractants, Attractant, Sex-Attractants, Insects, Entomology, behaviour, Behavior, Lepidoptera, Biological control, Pest, Pests, biocontrol, pest control, ipm, trapping, trap, traps, mon
Keywords:Chemical Ecology, Pheromones, Pheromone, Moth, Moths, Insect, Sex, Attractants, Attractant, Sex-Attractants, Insects, Entomology, behaviour, Behavior, Lepidoptera, Biological control, Pest, Pests, biocontrol, pest control, ipm, trapping, trap, traps, monitoring,
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