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Title: CHP - Combined Heat & Power - Sustainable Energy Solutions, Inc.
Description: Expertise in Thermal Sciences to develop practical solutions to heat, cool and provide electricity to industry, government, commercial buildings, hospitals and universities while reducing operating costs and pollution. www.Sustainable-Energy.us
Keywords:SUSTAINABLE ENERGY SOLUTIONS, cogen, district energy, energy, heating, cooling, cooling alternatives, electricity, cogeneration, steam, steam heat, steam chilling, boilers, chillers, massachusetts, environmental, central plant, GFCP, Aquila, Utilicorp, TETCO, Casten, low nox, 501-d, gas turbine,
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Westinghouse, Nooter, Eriksen, air conditioning, Cinergy, insitu, Coors, CFC, HCFC, HFC, chlorofluorocarbon, ASHRAE, demand charges, natural gas, oil, outsourcing, Ewing, Nations, Peoples, insulation, insulate, pipeline, drainable, dryable, testable, DDT, high, temperature, foam, thermal, performance, reinsulating, insitu distribution pipeline insulation, high temperature foam insulation, deteriorated thermal performance, insitu reinsulating, lower heat losses, improved system efficiencies, in place, thermal sciences, Africa, Congo, Energy, CHP, Green, Alternative Energy, Cost Efficient, Solar, Photovoltaic, Hybrid www.Sustainable-Energy.us(View Less)