Title: Public-Private Alliance Foundation (PPAF) - Public Private Partnerships and Projects - Reduce Poverty
Description: The Public Private Alliance Foundation (PPAF) is a non-profit organization dedicated to reducing poverty in the world by bringing together business, governmental, community, academic, United Nations and other interests. Through collaboration, we help sti
Keywords:Public-Private Alliance Foundation, PPAF, United Nations, Milennium Development Goals, MDG, Daniel Mejia, Francis Lorenzo, Zina Andrianarivelo-Razafy, Domingo Lorenzo, Jeanne Betsock Stillman, Frank Sanchez-Ruiz, Victor Morisete-Romero, David Stillman, Valdemar Prado, Grace Sosa, Dominican Republic, Madagascar, agribusiness, MDG Awards, UN Global Compact, WAFUNIF, FUNGLODE